New Project for 2018 – Speedy Speed needs your help

We are launching a project early in 2018 in underprivileged schools. We are looking for volunteers to assist on a Saturday morning. We are introducing a life skills and activity program. So if a person has experience in any of the following areas (child psychology, counselling, motivational speaking, teaching, yoga, dance or any other life skill sets that can benefit a primary school child and willing to volunteer and help Speedy Speed make a difference we are appealing to them to please email . We will also ensure the children are fed during this time. Also, if anyone is interested in sponsoring anything (like food, clothing, books, toys) – please email . A humble appeal also goes out to all corporate companies to assist in funding and being a part of a live changing experience.

Our aim with this project is to motivate and inspire children, making them realise that there is a way out of poverty, hunger and crime.

Let us work together and make this work!